Monday oh Monday, what a horrible day. I couldn't even write about it, let alone talk about it. I managed to write with a friend and try to get my spirits up, but in the end......curling up in a fetal position on the futon was all I could manage.
Yes, the Purgatory bus is what I still take in the morning. This particular Monday morning half way to Dante's Inferno 7 people got on the bus at one time. Need I say it? All Mexicans. Trust me the feeling is mutual. They can't stand the Puerto Ricans either. F EM!
Barely awake, hung over as they insisted on repeating, 4 males and 3 female. The rest of the way was my having to hear about who kicked whose azz and who will get 'dopped' (I guess dropped?) that night. I kept thinking........there goes another indictment added to our list.
Several other people got on the bus and before I knew it, it felt like 8:30 pm and not AM (Yes, the bus was late again) with all the racket.
By the 9th case, I felt my stomach lurch. I kept they really need to give so much details? Why are people still having kids??? How can I shut that witness up? I looked around to the other jurors and noticed most were a pale green, one in particular (the one that looks 300 years old) looked as though he were going to faint. I got up and ran out to the corridor. That corridor is about 5 feet wide with pews. Those pews hold people reporting to their Parole Officers. Right smack in the middle of the two large pews is a garbage can. Honest, I was aiming for the can, since I knew I was not going to make to the ladies room at the end of the hall. But.................I didn't make it.
Several 'damn'.....'smack, she's goin to TOWN'.....'Oh hell'.........'what did she eat....' later, I realized that anything I ate in 48 hours was no longer in my system at all. I ran to the ladies room, pulled out my travel toothbrush and started brushing. In that bathroom that just looks like an alley.
The court clerk eventually came in 'that's some mess you left out there'. Her hand on my back. I glared at her.
I refused to leave the bathroom. Unbelievably, it felt better then going back to that hell. An hour later another clerk came in with tea. I said 'you're kidding right?' She smiled and said 'well then come out. Let's go to an office and you can sit.' And that's where they left me for another hour. A police man came in and said 'I was told to make sure you get home ok.'
I followed, head down, hunched shoulders. Thinking who was the smart azz that thought throwing criminals on an island to sort themselves out, was a bad idea. I gave my address and sat in the back. I sat there feeling more sick and trying not to think about all the FILTHY people that sat there. We arrived and as he opened the door, he announced "Come back tomorrow, or else". I gave him the finger...........................well in my mind I did.
I went upstairs, showered twice. Made some strong coffee and sat down in silence. A few hours later I had to give myself a mental shake. 'Come on girl, if nothing else, those victims need someone to think of them'. I poured myself a shot of Tequila and gave a silent prayer of hope that this experience would not make an alcoholic out of me. I barely slept that night at all. For the first time in a long long time, I slept or attempted to with the TV sound on and several candles lit.
The next morning I lit an incense and meditated. I woke an hour earlier just to do it. I thought of nothing but a blank canvas and all the possibilities of what I would put on that canvas. The canvas of my life.
A nice humble home. Small, comfy and welcoming. A CAR! Small, fast and bright. I painted trees with birds in flight. In my mind I painted even more. All the things I long for, all the things that bring peace to my heart. I opened my eyes and noticed the incense was done. I dressed and kept whistling the tune to The Lion King, The Mighty Jungle.
I walked out this morning and the first thing that I noticed was the beautiful morning. No humidity, a bright welcoming sun and a peaceful quiet occasionally interrupted by a passing bus. That's right, BUSES!
I saw the cranky man that owns the shoe store a few buildings down. I smiled my biggest smile "Good Morning, isn't it just beautiful?' He blinked rather quickly and responded in kind. Big smile and all. As soon as I got to the corner, the bus arrived. I thought I was dreaming. The driver was a Haitian with a sing song voice. Today several people boarded, mostly mothers with little ones. No racket just the ho hum of tiny voices.
I got to court and the metal detectors did not go off......................Nah, they did. But the officer, this time smiled. So did I. He said 'you're early!' I said....'the planets aligned and the bus was on time. Early actually.'
I guess yesterday gave cause of concern, for the cases were mild. Well, mild in comparison. We were given an extended lunch, most of which I spent returning work emails, but was able to do so quickly and eat. The rest of the day was just quick. I took the shuttle to the mall. I walked into the mall and refused to rush home.
I went to the coffee station and got a large coffee, I sat at one of the food court tables and just thought of the blank canvas. I felt something plop on my head. I reached up to investigate. BIRD SHYT. A FU_CKING bird trapped in the mall. DOZENS of people around and it SHITS on MY head. UNFU_CKINGBELIEVABLE!!!!! I close my eyes and think of a cat jumping in the air and eating that little shit. Ahhhhhh......peace again.
I go to the ladies room trying not to listen to the snickering of the low lives that witnessed the latrine treatment. Cleaned up as best as I could and began the walk out of the mall and to the end of the parking lot. An hour later the bus showed. I wasn't even upset that the bus should be running every 20 minutes.
I got home and did some work. Then it hit me. An emotional, physical and mental exhaustion that just gave me no strength. I laid down and took a nap.
So I wake up and realize that I don't have court until next week again, and I begin to breath better. (Still coughing like mad when I go into that court building).
For a moment I think of that canvas, the one that I had painted. For a second I felt negativity seep in and tell me 'it will never happen'. I shoved that thought right out! It will happen!
When you reach the bottom, there is only up. The only way to go.....UP. And if anyone thinks to give me any negative feedback to that, trust me, I saved enough strength for some serious bytch slapping! conclusion. It's still bad, I find faith and will get better. 5 weeks to go.
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