Hello Everyone,
August 2019
It's been over 3 years since I have posted any material.
Today I begin with a trilogy based off a challenge someone gave me.
Enjoy the read
January 20, 2013
The Watcher's Notes: Despicable they......SUE! SUE I SAY!
The Watcher's Notes: Despicable they......SUE! SUE I SAY!: You can't have a conversation these days without people suggesting to sue. You also can't just give minimal detail, these days people want...
Despicable they......SUE! SUE I SAY!
You can't have a conversation these days without people suggesting to sue.
You also can't just give minimal detail, these days people want to know EVERYTHING and think you are antisocial for not complying.
I sprained my foot. The inner side of the boot cracked and the really good gel sole I bought kept me from noticing. After days of walking 20 something blocks for a project at work in freezing weather did not help. The sleepless nights with stress from work and personal life, did not help. Basically I was running on low and numb.
By the time I found that there was something seriously wrong my foot was double the size and the healing time was extended to weeks.
17, that's how many people told me to sue the boot company.
During this time I was driving to work since the Dr said the commute was out of the question. Actually my son drove. One day we went over a pot hole that destroyed the tire, hub and rod.
6, that's how many people told me to sue the highway. There would have been more but not many knew I was driving in.
Pretty much everyone had unwanted advice ranging from natural foods for inflammatory foot to what type of pain killers to ask for. None of these people have any type of medical degree or culinary schooling.
Long gone are the days of easy conversation.
What happened to your foot?
Oh, I sprained it.
Gee, too bad, I hope it gets better quickly.
There, conversation done, on to better topics.
No one offered a ride to the Dr. A ride to work. A ride to the train. Just a lot of useless unwanted advice. Heck I was immobile for 3 days, I got a lot of advice but no soup or sandwich.
It took an old co-worker that I hadn't seen in 5+ years to offer to take me about to get the tire issue resolved. No questions asked, just helped me get around and get the car situated.
Long gone are the days of caring and doing something just because we are human and caring.
In this economy it does shock me that people still use the 'just sue' advice. In this day of instant knowledge it amazes me that people think anyone needs medical or food advice.
I am just about sick of the 'I eat well and only natural foods' people. Fanatics! Judgmental tree huggers. A co-worker one day announced that he was going to out live us all (all co-workers), because he eats well and does push ups every few hours. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he died of something completely unrelated to food?
I am just about sick of the know it alls 'Did you do this.. did you try that...did you did you did you' SHUT UP! already. I was not born yesterday. I have survived this far without you!
I am sick of the not on the top of the list people 'Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you ask....' If you are not calling me, then it's pretty sure that we are not communicating and therefore why the hell would I think to call you. Furthermore, if I am in drastic pain and putting myself in a coma with pain killers, chances are I can't call anyone. If I eventually call you and update you, just LISTEN! Refer to conversation above.
I am sick of the self proclaimed IN people 'You should see this Dr. You should go to this specialist.' DIDN'T you HEAR ME, I WENT to a DR and SPECIALIST! Yours isn't the only one!
Saving the best for last. The I know every way to get over people 'Oh great, you can go on disability. Get notes and take a long period off.' That these people have jobs is the shock of a lifetime. That THEY are the reason the rest of us suffer escapes their mentality. That THEY are the reason few can afford insurance, co-pay or even medication escapes them. Actually I think they don't care. Thieves! No other way to put it.
Me? I just want to heal, pay my dues and keep dreaming of a peaceful day. Until then I take the moments I can gather and wish for the best. Oh...and keep dreaming of conversations worth having, that is when people actually let you finish talking these days.
You also can't just give minimal detail, these days people want to know EVERYTHING and think you are antisocial for not complying.
I sprained my foot. The inner side of the boot cracked and the really good gel sole I bought kept me from noticing. After days of walking 20 something blocks for a project at work in freezing weather did not help. The sleepless nights with stress from work and personal life, did not help. Basically I was running on low and numb.
By the time I found that there was something seriously wrong my foot was double the size and the healing time was extended to weeks.
17, that's how many people told me to sue the boot company.
During this time I was driving to work since the Dr said the commute was out of the question. Actually my son drove. One day we went over a pot hole that destroyed the tire, hub and rod.
6, that's how many people told me to sue the highway. There would have been more but not many knew I was driving in.
Pretty much everyone had unwanted advice ranging from natural foods for inflammatory foot to what type of pain killers to ask for. None of these people have any type of medical degree or culinary schooling.
Long gone are the days of easy conversation.
What happened to your foot?
Oh, I sprained it.
Gee, too bad, I hope it gets better quickly.
There, conversation done, on to better topics.
No one offered a ride to the Dr. A ride to work. A ride to the train. Just a lot of useless unwanted advice. Heck I was immobile for 3 days, I got a lot of advice but no soup or sandwich.
It took an old co-worker that I hadn't seen in 5+ years to offer to take me about to get the tire issue resolved. No questions asked, just helped me get around and get the car situated.
Long gone are the days of caring and doing something just because we are human and caring.
In this economy it does shock me that people still use the 'just sue' advice. In this day of instant knowledge it amazes me that people think anyone needs medical or food advice.
I am just about sick of the 'I eat well and only natural foods' people. Fanatics! Judgmental tree huggers. A co-worker one day announced that he was going to out live us all (all co-workers), because he eats well and does push ups every few hours. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he died of something completely unrelated to food?
I am just about sick of the know it alls 'Did you do this.. did you try that...did you did you did you' SHUT UP! already. I was not born yesterday. I have survived this far without you!
I am sick of the not on the top of the list people 'Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you ask....' If you are not calling me, then it's pretty sure that we are not communicating and therefore why the hell would I think to call you. Furthermore, if I am in drastic pain and putting myself in a coma with pain killers, chances are I can't call anyone. If I eventually call you and update you, just LISTEN! Refer to conversation above.
I am sick of the self proclaimed IN people 'You should see this Dr. You should go to this specialist.' DIDN'T you HEAR ME, I WENT to a DR and SPECIALIST! Yours isn't the only one!
Saving the best for last. The I know every way to get over people 'Oh great, you can go on disability. Get notes and take a long period off.' That these people have jobs is the shock of a lifetime. That THEY are the reason the rest of us suffer escapes their mentality. That THEY are the reason few can afford insurance, co-pay or even medication escapes them. Actually I think they don't care. Thieves! No other way to put it.
Me? I just want to heal, pay my dues and keep dreaming of a peaceful day. Until then I take the moments I can gather and wish for the best. Oh...and keep dreaming of conversations worth having, that is when people actually let you finish talking these days.
January 02, 2013
It doesn't matter the mug I wear, people on the train or pretty much anywhere are compelled to talk to me. To open up their laundry called life and tell me their woes. My -I couldn't care less- look doesn't help.
My son started working in NY and in mid December began commuting together. Each day he would notice someone approaching me. Nothing major just conversation.
It doesn't matter if I have ear phones on or if I am reading, that is just a mere transparent obstacle to the general public. I have had a women tell me of the major labor pains she went through the month prior and how her husband was not very helpful, I told her to hire a babysitter and get rid of the husband. She kept talking.
I have had a Rabbi talk to me of the issues of the people on the commute. Because apparently I don't know it. I told him to preach to them, it may help. He kept talking.
I have had a man literally cry about his wife possibly having an affair. I told him if you're instinct is saying so then it's true. Divorce the tramp. He kept talking.
On the last day of work in December before our week off for the holiday my son and I were on an earlier train. Strangers at best since no one normally on our route was on it.
Woman that looked like she just got out of jail on phone - 'NO NO NO, they said the world would end at 11:20 today, we still have time!' *facepalm*
*I can't make this shit up*
A man talking on the phone - 'I'm not going to the party to hook up, I am going to have fun, why you so jealous?' Same man on next call 'Yeah man, I hear lots of chicks will be there'.
But those aren't important, it's the following.
We are seated on a 3 seater, the train is not full, plenty of seats. There is a man staring dead at me. I blast my music, close my eyes and lean back into the seat. My son is trying to nap on the train. I feel someone just plop on the space next to me.
'Hey' he says.... then his phone rings. 'Man, I don't flip pancakes, I run a kitchen, why you keep texting me all day?....blah blah blah Yeah, I'm still there. The kid came home drunk. I need to get outta there.'
Call is over and peace as I know it.
He turns to me and begins to tell me his woes, even though I have headphones on. I pull one out and yell WHAT? Undeterred, he repeats... 22 year old son of his girlfriend gets drunk falls asleep in shower, mother can't control her other child; a daughter. He needs sleep.
Me: How many kids?
Him: She has two I have one
Me: You should never be outnumbered by kids RUN (my son laughs already knowing I am pissed)
Him: *laughs*
Me: I'm serious
Him: She is Rican, they can't control their kids *facepalm*
Me: *after mini inner shit fit* I'm RRRRican, this here is my son 'Son, you ever come home drunk and asleep in the shower?'
Son: No
Me: You EVER come and disrespect me
Son: No
Me to stranger: There you have it, she ain't Rican.
He laughs and says he thought I was Dominican. WTF??? *facepalm*
Me: Look, get out, focus on your kid. GOOD LUCK. I jab my son to get up and we get off, luckily IT IS our stop.
Why tell you this story???
I get out of work late which means a late train and getting home, if I am lucky by 8:30. The next train isn't for an hour so I sit to read my book, The Alchemist, ahhhh ZEN.
I see this man RUNNING towards me...'IT'S YOU, I'VE BEEN HOPING I FIND YOU'
Me: Oh sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph, today I die, some man is running toward me with a furor. I'm ready!
Him: It's me Oscar, remember? We were on a train a couple of weeks ago, you were with your son. I was telling you about my girlfriend with two kids?
Me: Oh SHIT! I close my tablet, sighing openly.
Him: (Hand in my space) My name is Oscar, what's your name
Me: *shit what is my name?* Ga Ga Gracey
Him: Well I thought I should know your name before giving you an update
Me: It's amazing, people just come right up my space.
Him: You have that face, peaceful, inviting
WTF???? *facepalm*
Him: Well I left her, that same day we talked on the train (actually he talked), the two grown kids and her jumped me. I had to go. I feel bad cause I wanted to help her with the rent until March.
Me: Well an asswhoopin definitely constitutes a quick departure, good for you, well done.
Him: Yeah, I cook, run a kitchen for a health aid center
Me: *please please let me have an I don't give a shit face on*
Him: Now I live with my brother and I'm focusing on my kid, just like you said. HEY, you seeing anyone?
Me: Yes, a real long, solid and good relationship. (Hey, I had my toes crossed)
Him: Aw man, I feel bad telling you my problems, tell me something wrong about your relationship
Me: Sorry to disappoint. He's so good it's like he's not real. *inner giggle*
Him: Damn, that's nice.
Me: Well, so much for finishing my book, every time I try someone decides to tell me their woes. I'm a doormat for the public, actually a dish rag, just talk, use and discard.
Him: Oh man, you're great to talk to (did I mention WTF?), I saw you reading, what were you reading?
Me: *a little excitement that someone is really interested in what I have to say* WELL, IT'S
OUR train pulls up
Him: That's our train, gotta go - he runs *facepalm*
UnFUCKINGbelievable!! No wonder his bitch ass was whooped. I wanted to KICK HIS ASS! I mean we are going on the SAME FUCKING TRAIN!
I sit and calmly breathe in. A woman sits across from me.
Oscar from across the train: Hey! GRACEY, thanks for the talk. I hope I see you tomorrow!
*FACEPALM* I need another way to get to work and home or I am just going to throw myself onto the tracks!
My son started working in NY and in mid December began commuting together. Each day he would notice someone approaching me. Nothing major just conversation.
It doesn't matter if I have ear phones on or if I am reading, that is just a mere transparent obstacle to the general public. I have had a women tell me of the major labor pains she went through the month prior and how her husband was not very helpful, I told her to hire a babysitter and get rid of the husband. She kept talking.
I have had a Rabbi talk to me of the issues of the people on the commute. Because apparently I don't know it. I told him to preach to them, it may help. He kept talking.
I have had a man literally cry about his wife possibly having an affair. I told him if you're instinct is saying so then it's true. Divorce the tramp. He kept talking.
On the last day of work in December before our week off for the holiday my son and I were on an earlier train. Strangers at best since no one normally on our route was on it.
Woman that looked like she just got out of jail on phone - 'NO NO NO, they said the world would end at 11:20 today, we still have time!' *facepalm*
*I can't make this shit up*
A man talking on the phone - 'I'm not going to the party to hook up, I am going to have fun, why you so jealous?' Same man on next call 'Yeah man, I hear lots of chicks will be there'.
But those aren't important, it's the following.
We are seated on a 3 seater, the train is not full, plenty of seats. There is a man staring dead at me. I blast my music, close my eyes and lean back into the seat. My son is trying to nap on the train. I feel someone just plop on the space next to me.
'Hey' he says.... then his phone rings. 'Man, I don't flip pancakes, I run a kitchen, why you keep texting me all day?....blah blah blah Yeah, I'm still there. The kid came home drunk. I need to get outta there.'
Call is over and peace as I know it.
He turns to me and begins to tell me his woes, even though I have headphones on. I pull one out and yell WHAT? Undeterred, he repeats... 22 year old son of his girlfriend gets drunk falls asleep in shower, mother can't control her other child; a daughter. He needs sleep.
Me: How many kids?
Him: She has two I have one
Me: You should never be outnumbered by kids RUN (my son laughs already knowing I am pissed)
Him: *laughs*
Me: I'm serious
Him: She is Rican, they can't control their kids *facepalm*
Me: *after mini inner shit fit* I'm RRRRican, this here is my son 'Son, you ever come home drunk and asleep in the shower?'
Son: No
Me: You EVER come and disrespect me
Son: No
Me to stranger: There you have it, she ain't Rican.
He laughs and says he thought I was Dominican. WTF??? *facepalm*
Me: Look, get out, focus on your kid. GOOD LUCK. I jab my son to get up and we get off, luckily IT IS our stop.
Why tell you this story???
I get out of work late which means a late train and getting home, if I am lucky by 8:30. The next train isn't for an hour so I sit to read my book, The Alchemist, ahhhh ZEN.
I see this man RUNNING towards me...'IT'S YOU, I'VE BEEN HOPING I FIND YOU'
Me: Oh sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph, today I die, some man is running toward me with a furor. I'm ready!
Him: It's me Oscar, remember? We were on a train a couple of weeks ago, you were with your son. I was telling you about my girlfriend with two kids?
Me: Oh SHIT! I close my tablet, sighing openly.
Him: (Hand in my space) My name is Oscar, what's your name
Me: *shit what is my name?* Ga Ga Gracey
Him: Well I thought I should know your name before giving you an update
Me: It's amazing, people just come right up my space.
Him: You have that face, peaceful, inviting
WTF???? *facepalm*
Him: Well I left her, that same day we talked on the train (actually he talked), the two grown kids and her jumped me. I had to go. I feel bad cause I wanted to help her with the rent until March.
Me: Well an asswhoopin definitely constitutes a quick departure, good for you, well done.
Him: Yeah, I cook, run a kitchen for a health aid center
Me: *please please let me have an I don't give a shit face on*
Him: Now I live with my brother and I'm focusing on my kid, just like you said. HEY, you seeing anyone?
Me: Yes, a real long, solid and good relationship. (Hey, I had my toes crossed)
Him: Aw man, I feel bad telling you my problems, tell me something wrong about your relationship
Me: Sorry to disappoint. He's so good it's like he's not real. *inner giggle*
Him: Damn, that's nice.
Me: Well, so much for finishing my book, every time I try someone decides to tell me their woes. I'm a doormat for the public, actually a dish rag, just talk, use and discard.
Him: Oh man, you're great to talk to (did I mention WTF?), I saw you reading, what were you reading?
Me: *a little excitement that someone is really interested in what I have to say* WELL, IT'S
OUR train pulls up
Him: That's our train, gotta go - he runs *facepalm*
UnFUCKINGbelievable!! No wonder his bitch ass was whooped. I wanted to KICK HIS ASS! I mean we are going on the SAME FUCKING TRAIN!
I sit and calmly breathe in. A woman sits across from me.
Oscar from across the train: Hey! GRACEY, thanks for the talk. I hope I see you tomorrow!
*FACEPALM* I need another way to get to work and home or I am just going to throw myself onto the tracks!
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