Hello Everyone,

August 2019

It's been over 3 years since I have posted any material.

Today I begin with a trilogy based off a challenge someone gave me.

Enjoy the read


July 30, 2012

AndMore/I learned a few things... Theft or getting over? Isn't it the same?

Sooooo......  I chat with a friend on the phone and I'll just assume she forgot I hate shopping.  Because I would hate to think she just out right didn't care.  The call was over an hour long and it went something like this.

Friend - So XYZ and I went to LMONOP department store.  I had a stack of coupons and one in particular that would give me the highest return was expired.  XYZ noticed and said 'Too bad maybe you will get another one'.  But I already knew it was expired, I just was too lazy to go before the date.  I know how the 'system' works.  Just get loud, get mad and you get what you want.

She then continued in detail to tell me how she berated the clerk, demanded for the presence of the manager and eventually got the discount.

Her justification?  (Yup, I asked) They get that money back! They rob us blind.  Any way they will do ANYTHING to make sure they don't lose a customer.

I worked in retail for many years.  It was a loss prevention guy that explained a lot to me one day and it wasn't until this call that I realized, I paid attention.

Friend, let me throw something at you and see what you think. (She said Ok)

The coupon you mentioned was from the brand, so that means the manufacturer of the over priced clothing YOU chose to shop for was receiving a discount from them.  They make up that difference to the store.  BUT, because there are 'scammers' the store must do the following:

Take inventory
Report customer complaint courtesy credit (because that is what it is, a courtesy)
Once a tally is done of 'losses' (because you rant caused just that a LOSS), they must make it up
If there are many 'customers' like you, the loss is high
That loss as well as theft, sales and clearance is eventually made up in price hikes

So.... essentially YOU are the reason they are 'robbing you blind'. It's a vicious cycle that begins with you.

I have a job that requires cutting corners, getting the best prices for cell phones for the company/university.  I work hard and long hours doing so without 'scamming'.  Because if I thought like you and became 'that' customer, I would scam carriers out of business.  Perhaps not me alone, but imagine many of me with that train of thought?  I can argue with the rest and say 'they are robbing us blind' but the reality is two wrongs don't make a right.

I personally think it's theft.  Knowingly scamming someone or a business is theft.  I am sure many corporation heads that are in jail thought they were 'getting one over' on someone too.

Friend - You know Gracey, it's just getting to a point where I can't even have a conversation with you.

I learned a few things
I lost a friend (shit this year has been rough keeping any)
My friend is a thief (just threw that in, cause I could)
It doesn't feel good defending the big companies.  It only feels good trying to make a right out of a wrong.
I really do hate shopping
Thanks to this friend (ooops, ex-friend) I really fucking hate shopping
People actually use coupons in high priced department stores (SMH)
People in this economy still shop in high priced department stores (Man, I gotta make money)
From now on I will only speak about movies, weather and music with my remaining friends

Last but not least... I really hate shopping!

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