Hello Everyone,

August 2019

It's been over 3 years since I have posted any material.

Today I begin with a trilogy based off a challenge someone gave me.

Enjoy the read


June 08, 2012

Why Indie Authors? Why new authors that promote themselves?............. Why not?

Indie Authors are independent of Publishing houses.  They invest their own time and money to market their books.  They deal directly with bookstores from what I can see in Twitter streams, mostly Smashwords, Amazon and the like.  Imagine that!  They write, they create a story, put it together and market it.  Now that's MULTI-TASKING!

I am a huge fan of James Patterson (who isn't), however one must wait for an author to write a book, then wait for the publisher to decide when to let it loose.

Another favorite is Lyndsay Sands (love her take on vampires - ooops Immortals), I picked up one book and had to back purchase all the others of the series.  When I caught up and realized there was more to come, I learned that even though she finished the next installment, her publisher would decide when to let it out to the market.

Indie Authors dictate when to release.  I have read some of the greatest books from Indie Authors promoting their material on Facebook, Twitter and even blogs.  I have some favorites that I cyber stalk to see when their next book or installment is coming out.  I have also learned to appreciate new genres.

Why Indie Author?  Because most are great authors.

Why new Authors that promote themselves?  Because they are telling you first hand what the book is about.  No 3rd party opinion.  Straight from the writer.  Awesome!

Why not?  Well, heck... I can't think of a reason not to give them a try.

This mystery reader has broadened to all kinds of reading and following are my all time fav -

YA fantasy - romance
Raine Thomas - If  you haven't read her Estilorian series you are missing out.  http://rainethomas.com/

Claude Bouchard - I am sure you have read my rave on the Barry/McCall series. http://claudebouchardbooks.com/

Luke Romyn - This one shocks me the most.  I am not someone that would go for any type of horror, whether movies or books.  But I read his first book and got hooked.  I am currently reading Beyond Hades, review to follow soon. http://www.lukeromyn.com/

I mean those are my gotta read as soon as they write favs, but I am also reading new authors all the time.....  and loving it.

I will always be grateful to Rebecca Woodhead, my first hot off the authors hand press read - Palaces and Calluses, it opened these eyes to a whole new world of book shopping.  http://www.rebeccawoodhead.com/

Step out of your comfort zone and try giving someone new a chance.  You don't have to give up the old, just know that while you are waiting for their publisher to decide when you can read it, these authors are already putting their goods out there.

Get your read on!


  1. Gracey,

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank you....lol
    When I made the decision to use smashwords to publish and promote my work I was not sure what to expect. For me it was the perfect fit. It opened the door to a new fan base that never knew I existed before. The word being spread by people like you who enjoy what they find make all the difference in the world.
    Keep Smiling,

  2. You're welcome. I think word needs to get out on writers that self publish. Glad you enjoyed the post.
