Hello Everyone,

August 2019

It's been over 3 years since I have posted any material.

Today I begin with a trilogy based off a challenge someone gave me.

Enjoy the read


December 03, 2010

Inspiration me...ending the week right...I answer to myself

I answer to myself and no one else...The person looking back at you in the mirror is the one you have to answer to every day. ~Wayne Dyer

Very appropriate card.  I have noticed that the misery of commute, the exhaustion of the daily grind in which time escapes me has led me to become somewhat of an OK answering person.

Even though my instinct says otherwise I will say OK and try the other person (who ever it is that day) method; then get upset when what I 'knew' would happen or not happen, happened or didn't happen.  I have been alone for most of my adult life.  A single parent for most of my sons life.  I answered to no one.  It's not like anyone was lining up to take the fall.  Yet somehow in the last 2 years that changed drastically.

Recently I find myself in a situation where I am forced to remember that I answer to NO ONE.  That no matter what, failures and success in my life will be my doing for people will only take credit for the success.

I inspire you this - take a stand for yourself.  Say what you want and as long as morality, laws and goodness are not compromised, trust in yourself to know how to get it.

I inspire me this - That G from years ago, slowly surfaces.  Watch out!  For she answers to NO ONE!!!!

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