Hello Everyone,

August 2019

It's been over 3 years since I have posted any material.

Today I begin with a trilogy based off a challenge someone gave me.

Enjoy the read


October 15, 2010

Inspiration me...acting as if

today I will...try 'acting as if' a positive form of pretending. This is a good way to get past part of a problem or overcome fears and doubts. I will act as if the situation is already resolved and get on with my life.

So...what can I do that will reflect my understanding of today's card?.....  I can

act as if I like certain people - nah
act as if I am long past hurt - nah

Well, baby steps I guess.

I can breathe in and say my mantra 'all will be right'.  I can sit straight and plan my day, one hour at a time.  I can know that change is good and acceptance even better.

I can overcome fears and doubts, not by pretending they don't exist but by facing them head on, with my usual BRING IT mode.

Yep, I can disagree with some of that card, but in the end, I will act as if the situation is already resolved.

Bring me joy, for I can smile
Bring me laughter, for I can shine
Bring it all

Bring me love, for I can share
Bring me peace, for I am calm
Bring it all

Leave your anger and petty ways
Leave your selfishness and war
Leave it all

I bring you a difference
I bring it all

2010Gracey Castro

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